BT Group transforms software support with Spinnaker Support

The Challenge

As a long-time JD Edwards World customer, who has invested time and budget into staying on the latest release, Udlehoven was discouraged with Oracle’s lack of future investment for JD Edwards products. They also had no plans to upgrade or migrate to EnterpriseOne. Udlehoven was code current and there was no added value in Oracle’s last published release of JD Edwards World, so the decision was made to consider alternative support options. The company utilizes a full suite of applications that includes financials and HCM, which made tax and regulatory updates a requirement.

The Approach

There was no reason to look beyond the obvious choice of Spinnaker Support as Udlehoven’s JD Edwards service partner. Long-term relationships had already been established with our hand-picked support team of former JD Edwards support engineers from Oracle. Spinnaker Support’s overall culture and JD Edwards expertise made the decision to move to away from Oracle support for a fraction of the cost, a strategic, smart, and easy choice.

The Solution

Udlehoven became a Spinnaker Support customer at the end of 2016 and have realized a substantial ROI. With cost savings close to 60% on their annual support fees, support for their highly-customized asset and contract management modules, and enhanced support offerings, Udelhoven plans to be a Spinnaker Support customer for years to come. Spinnaker Support provides traditional maintenance support and tax and regulatory updates for 1099s and W2 annual processing on JD Edwards World A9.3.1.

The Results

Udlehoven now has the best value support for significantly less cost. With direct access to Spinnaker Support’s Account Support Lead and a RPG programmer, they now have an extension of their IT department to troubleshoot, design, and test customizations integrated with JD Edwards. As they continue to expand their operations, Udelhoven has plans to add additional consulting services for IT projects that were previously outsourced; taking advantage of Spinnaker Support’s blend of JD Edwards service offerings.



  • JD Edwards World A9.3.1.2
  • Platform: iSeries 720 OS i7.1
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