BT Group transforms software support with Spinnaker Support

Third-Party Software Support Defined

If you’re an enterprise running Windows Server or SQL Server and being charged for Microsoft’s Extended Security Updates you already know that this newly introduced charge is a rapidly increasing fee that is ever expanding as systems pass into an aged state.  With fees increasing 25% year to year they tend to provide little value and are an incentive to force you to upgrade.

Often upgrading is a costly and risky proposition – especially when being done in the face of a looming fee increase forcing a timeline that may not meet your goals.  At Spinnaker we’ve created an alternate solution – providing far more than the basic Security updates that are offered under ESU and expanding our service to provide a truly valuable alternative that allows you to continue to run these systems into the future – to a timeline that you decide, safe in the knowledge that you are secure and supported by our service.

We know Operating expense is always under pressure – now more than ever, and we’ve designed this to deliver not only a greater depth and value of service – but at a significantly lower cost. 

Transition Services for New Customers

Transitioning from Microsoft Support to Spinnaker Support should be easy, organized, and low impact. We have designed the entire onboarding experience to fully support the knowledge transfer of your practices, processes, culture, and technologies to our core team. This includes a well-planned and legal archiving process.

When to Consider Switching to Third-Party Support

Securing Systems

Many enterprises are still running and using older Microsoft systems, and continue to get value from them. For example SQL Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 are still in service in many environments.

Spinnaker will secure those systems without having to pay the ESU fees by creating compensatory controls and workarounds to resolve vulnerabilities tailored to your environment. That means that unlike with Microsoft where patches rely on particular service packs – which again is an upgrade you may not want – our security solutions will provide protection for your environment regardless of service pack.​

Financial Relief

Third-party support is ideal for organizations that either need short-term cost relief or are in a longer-term state of financial hardship. Third-party support is a smart, safe way to achieve immediate cost savings and positively impact the organization’s financial performance.

Similarly, companies that are owned or partially funded by private equity firms are often mandated to grow quickly and/or dramatically reduce operating costs, and thus have become prime candidates for third-party support.

Undecided Roadmap

If you’re using legacy Microsoft products, and have not yet decided on a future roadmap or still reviewing your strategy but facing into a large and increasing ESU bill you should consider our service. 

We will break the linkage between being forced to upgrade , commit to move to cloud, or pay ESU fees. We will provide Support, Security, Advisory Services, and Break Fix services, around the clock with enterprise grade SLAs. Affording you the time to make strategic decisions that fit your agenda not your OEM Vendor’s.

A Proven Support Replacement

Analysts estimate that thousands of organizations – of all sizes, from all industries, and around the globe – are now on third-party support as a means to restore high-quality service at an affordable price. Spinnaker Support is able to simultaneously lower the cost and improve the quality of annual support because our sole focus is on service delivery, not generating revenue to fuel software development.

Ready for a Phenomenal Support Experience?

Request a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we can deliver exceptionally personalized enterprise software support at a much lower cost.