BT Group transforms software support with Spinnaker Support

What Are Managed Services – and How Do They Benefit Your Business?

“Managed services” means outsourcing technical and application functions and processes to third-party company, a Managed Service Provider (MSP).

  • Our Approach
  • The Benefits

Serving the full spectrum of your database needs

Unlike conventional software support, which is triggered by an incident or service ticket, managed services are ongoing, proactively-planned activities. Managed services includes updating, monitoring, and tuning, which are all performed regularly by an external and integrated team of ITIL Level 2 and Level 3 engineers.

Enterprises of all sizes and from all industries commonly contract with MSPs as an affordable way to quickly gain reliable access to technology expertise and 24/7 assistance.

Spinnaker Support offers two areas of managed services:

  • Technical Managed Services (TMS) for databases, middleware, operating systems, platforms, and applications is the outsourcing of operational support for infrastructure and technology, and 
  • Application Managed Services (AMS) is the outsourcing of functional and developmental support of business applications. 

Your number one task is to have existing, critical systems operating at peak performance. But with staff and budget constraints, you’re also forced to prioritize competing initiatives such as interoperability, scalability, upgrades, readiness, and security.

Spectrum Managed Services solve the conflict by providing the full range of assistance, from 24/7 monitoring to full system management. We help by:

  • Optimizing processes and increasing your operational efficiency
  • Monitoring and proactively resolving developing issues
  • Freeing up your IT staff to perform other valuable tasks
  • Providing you with a reliable fee structure and justifiable ROI

Why Choose Spinnaker Support

Comprehensive Services

ITIL-centric services, customized for your applications and operations

Delivered As Needed

Responsive managed services provided 24/7/365

Global Engineering Team

Level 2 and 3, with average 20+ years’ experience

Escalation, When Required

Ability to bring in expert Level 4 staff for more complex issues

'Lifetime' Assistance

Extending your product performance for as long as you need

Single-Vendor Solution

Consolidate your services, and consulting with one trusted partner


Request a complimentary consultation to learn more about how we deliver exceptional Microsoft managed services, personalized for your enterprise needs.