BT Group transforms software support with Spinnaker Support

The Benefit to Your Business

Outsource your databases’ technical and infrastructure functions and processes to a trusted managed service provider.


Worry Less With Database Managed Services

The management of your database is your company’s first line of defense against cyber threats. Spinnaker’s Database Managed Services eliminates potential performance issues through 24/7 monitoring and regular maintenance, ensuring your data is secure, accessible, and well-managed.

Spinnaker offers a range of flexible plans to fit your unique service needs, budget, and database ecosystem. We can help, whether through augmenting your existing staff and taking over routine tasks, system monitoring, and after-hours support; or by remotely assuming complete responsibility for database administration, security, and other critical tasks.

Spinnaker Support remotely delivers a variety of database managed services to help your system run at peak performance, including:

  • 24/7 Database monitoring
  • Environment assessments
  • Baseline and periodic assessments
  • Proactive, system-wide health checks
  • Status reporting
  • Database security
  • Back-ups and recovery
  • Data corruption support
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Database enhancements
  • Performance management and tuning

Why Choose Spinnaker Support

Comprehensive Services

ITIL-centric services, customized for your applications and operations

Delivered As Needed

Responsive managed services, provided 24/7/365

Global Engineering Team

Levels 2 and 3 engineers, with an average of 20+ years’ experience

Escalation, When Needed

Ability to bring in expert Level 4 engineers for more complex issues

Lifetime Assistance

Extending your product performance for as long as you need

Single-Vendor Solution

Consolidate your services, support, and consulting with one trusted partner