By Spinnaker Support | September 04, 2024

What is Third Party Support?

Third-party support is software support for applications and databases that replaces traditional vendor support that comes with common software purchases. It’s typically more comprehensive than what you’ll receive from an OEM vendor. Other benefits include better response times and more personalized attention, and most importantly, companies realize significant cost savings.

While third-party support has several benefits, there are often concerns about changes to the compliance and security landscapes. Having help adapting your compliance program to your third-party support move is a critical piece of that journey. Any non-compliance can result in serious legal ramifications, significant fines, and in extreme instances, the loss of business. Because of this, Spinnaker’s third-party offering includes services that allow for the easy transition of a company’s compliance frameworks to this new more efficient support model.

Introducing to Spinnaker Shield

Spinnaker Support offers a broad portfolio of third-party software support functionalities to that has become an integral part of your operation, including Spinnaker Shield, a solution that easily allow the transition of your compliance frameworks to third-party support. The robust feature combination you’ll find in Spinnaker Shield includes security configuration reviews, audit compliance assistance, and customized security support across all versions of the software. Most importantly, Spinnaker Shield puts you back in the drivers’ seat when it comes to securing your environment, freeing you from vendor-imposed limitations, immediately transforming your cybersecurity approach.

The Essentials of Spinnaker Shield

Comprehensive Security Framework

Spinnaker Shield brings a holistic approach to IT security using people, processes, and technology that align with industry standards and frameworks. In addition, we strategically offer an alternative to security patches or an option where vendor security patching is not available.

When it comes to cybersecurity, the more layers of defense you have, the better, as criminals use multiple routes to attack your system. No one knows this better than we do. Through Spinnaker Shield, we integrate a layered security approach into your environment, with each layer addressing a specific component of your infrastructure protecting your entire estate, not only the versions still being supported by the vendor, but even older versions the vendor is no longer patching.

Best Practices with Spinnaker Shield

Effective Vulnerability Management Support
Equally important to protecting your system is effective vulnerability management support. Vulnerability support identifies, evaluates, treats, and reports weaknesses within your system. At Spinnaker, we provide a tailored approach, and that includes vulnerabilities. With us, the customer receives information on potential challenges within days, pinpointing only the affected area rather than your entire system. The areas are also ranked according to sensitivity and risk levels, a key feature that helps you determine how to build your response strategy.

Protecting and Responding

In cybersecurity, response matters and it can be the difference between a safe or a compromised environment. Response matters, and so do insights. Think of it this way. When you know better, you do better, and Spinnaker Shield puts you in a position to do better. With Spinnaker Shield, our robust solution focuses on the four core concepts of discovery, hardening, threat intelligence, and incident response. This insightful, proactive approach has a history of leading to swift containment and resolution when it comes to combatting harmful threats.

Ensuring Compliance and Comprehensive Reporting

Maintaining compliance with industry regulations and standards is something we take very seriously. Compliance frameworks include PCI, HIPPA, SOX, SOC2 etc., which we achieve together when your systems adhere to the standards found in Spinnaker Shield.

The reporting you’ll receive with Spinnaker Shield provides critical information on potential threats while improving your risk management strategy Picture a large hospital being non-compliant during the pandemic and suffering a major cyberattack, and the potential chaos that would’ve ensued. In this scenario, the comprehensive Spinnaker security mitigation model across all versions and products propels us in our ongoing quest to create enduring value.

Spinnaker Support and Your Future

Building a Resilient Security Strategy

When it comes to your security posture, the goal should be to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Part of your charge is to own the vision, look forward, and prepare for where you currently stand and the places you want your business to go. A significant part of that process is planning. That includes the partners you’ll need to help you along the way, like Spinnaker Support.

Here at Spinnaker, we’re different and one of our key differentiators is our ability to provide custom solutions. We realize that a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t do the trick in this rapidly evolving cyberspace. With that, we’ve become experts at tailoring our solutions to meet the unique needs of each organization.

We live by the philosophy that a proactive approach is best when building a secure environment. As such, we champion and work tirelessly to integrate this security ideal into the workplaces we serve. This means weaving it into your corporate security ethos and helping you create strategies based on real-time data that preserve your business continuity.

Measurable Outcomes and Benefits

With Spinnaker Support by your side, your security posture will improve dramatically.. Response time plays a pivotal role when it comes to the safety of your environment. With that, we promise to address your security issue within minutes as opposed to days like most software publishers. We realize that the more time it takes to tackle your issue, the greater the likelihood that a bad actor can damage your system. Our professionals are committed to promptly responding which limits damages, saves money, and prevents costly downtime.

Moving Forward With Spinnaker Support

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

In this rapidly expanding cyberworld, where things change seemingly by the minute, staying one step ahead of would-be attackers isn’t a luxury: it’s a necessity. Our Defense in Depth approach to security consists of people, processes, and leading-edge technology. Each has the common goals of defending your environment and mitigating risks, giving you the luxury that comes from knowing you’re protected.

The Zero Trust architecture we create is an example of our commitment to helping you build your safest environment. This approach requires validating every stage of the digital journey, ensuring you receive the highest levels of security.

Encouragement to Adopt Best Practices

Regarding the security of your enterprise system, the best practice is to adopt the best practice, and Spinnaker Shield, provided by Spinnaker Support, should be your first move in that direction. The comprehensive service takes on every scenario your system could possibly face, and we provide a solution that discovers, hardens, and provides incident responses containing actionable threat intelligence.

Waiting is no longer an option, and the rate of cybercrimes that continues on an upward trajectory means proactivity is your only path to success, and Spinnaker Shield, powered by Spinnaker Support, can light the way. Our solution takes the fight to the cybercriminals and introduces you to the security posture you so richly deserve. We’re constantly moving you forward with the goal of making you aware of any current or looming threats while preserving your most sacred resource: your data.


When it comes to protecting your system, Spinnaker Shield, provided by Spinnaker Support, is the solution you can trust. Through it, we address the gamut of concerns you’ll face when moving to a third-party support model. From compliance, an issue that must always be top-of-mind when switching from an OEM vendor to the equally important topic of response time, when it comes to third-party support, Spinnaker Support is your first and only stop. Regardless of what stage you’re at in the evolution of your system, the choices you make today will impact your security posture of tomorrow. Your future is at stake, and choosing the right partner, a partner like Spinnaker Support, capable of helping you achieve a robust security posture, is the most significant choice you’ll make in the life of your business.

Let’s Talk About it

If you’re ready to take your security to the next level, we’re ready to help you make that move. For more information on Spinnaker Shield and how it can protect your environment, please get in touch.

Spinnaker Support
Written By Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support Enterprise Software Support and Managed Services from Spinnaker Support Whether you run Oracle, SAP, or Salesforce, we’ll help you conquer your software challenges once and for all.