By Spinnaker Support | September 19, 2023

Services that are included with IT managed services
As companies scale, their IT infrastructure becomes increasingly complex. Managing this growth without the right processes can result in several issues — slow response times, unexpected data loss, security vulnerabilities, and so on.

So how can you keep these issues from becoming productivity bottlenecks? How can you simplify your IT infrastructure while still meeting the demands of your business?

This is where IT managed services come in.

By outsourcing your IT operations to an experienced provider, you can ensure your IT needs are always met without diverting your own resources away from core activities.

In this article, we’ll explain what IT managed services are and how they can benefit your company. We’ll also look at the different services available and how Spinnaker Support can help you get started.

What are IT managed services?

IT managed services involve outsourcing IT-related processes to a managed service provider (MSP). Businesses of all sizes can use them to receive ongoing support at a fraction of the cost of maintaining an in-house IT team.

Common services that providers offer include:

  • 24/7 infrastructure remote monitoring
  • Network and security management
  • Database management
  • Application managed services (AMS)
  • Data backup and recovery

So, why consider IT managed services?

Because today’s companies are incorporating digital technologies into more of their processes. In fact, companies are expected to spend $3.4 trillion on digital transformation initiatives by 2026. Businesses that fail to adapt risk losing a competitive edge.

IT managed services can help facilitate digital transformation as they provide companies with the expertise and resources they need to modernize their infrastructure.

For example, consider cloud migrations. Moving on-premise infrastructure into the cloud allows companies to lower operational costs and leverage on-demand computing resources that can scale as needed.

Cloud migrations support digital transformation initiatives, which can help companies increase profit growth by 11.2% year over year. But the process itself is large and technically complex, which poses significant challenges. Poor implementation can lead to data loss and system outages. Even moving from one cloud provider to another can prove difficult.

To address these challenges, one software provider turned to Spinnaker Support to migrate its database from Azure to Amazon Web Services (AWS). We also designed a custom solution to provide ongoing maintenance and database support, allowing the company to focus on building great software products.

If you’re still on the fence about IT managed services, read on to see how they can completely change the way your company operates.

What are the benefits of IT managed services?

Your company might still manage IT-related tasks in-house. But the reality is that most internal teams can’t handle the growing complexity of their company’s infrastructure.

As a result, many organizations still take a break/fix approach to their IT, in which they address problems reactively instead of developing systems that can sustain future growth.

Here’s a closer look at the benefits of IT managed services.

Streamlines your IT operations

IT managed services enable you to offload aspects of your IT operations to experienced professionals, which frees your team to focus on core activities.

 Company using IT managed services to streamline their IT operations

Let’s look at database optimization to illustrate how IT managed services can streamline your operations. You know that a well-tuned database minimizes response times and uses resources more efficiently. But optimizing a database requires ongoing management and frequent health assessments.

With database managed services from Spinnaker Support, our experts can deliver proactive monitoring and maintenance services for all types of databases. There’s no need to worry about staff constraints.

Reduces IT operating costs

Outsourcing IT-related tasks can help reduce operating costs, as it saves your company the cost of hiring and managing an in-house team. Another benefit is that costs for such services are predictable, which makes budgeting easier.

IT managed services can also save your company money by identifying cost-saving opportunities. Take software maintenance as an example. Companies like Oracle charge high maintenance costs for their software and tend to raise them each year. Working with managed service providers can help you reduce these costs.

Don’t take our word for it, though.

Layne Christensen, a US-based construction company, reported saving 60% in software maintenance fees once they added JD Edwards support to their Spinnaker Support contract. Our team has also helped the company implement many other systemic improvements.

Addresses internal skills gaps

IT managed services give you access to a team of IT experts with diverse skills, making them beneficial for businesses that may not have the resources for full-time staff.

With Spinnaker Support, you get access to Level 2 and Level 3 engineers who can manage the day-to-day operations of your IT infrastructure. We also have a team of Level 4 engineers who can provide support for more complex issues.

A table that breaks down the four support levels for enterprise software

With Spinnaker Support, you never have to worry about availability. Our technical experts are always on hand to provide support whenever needed.

Helps ensure business continuity

Cyber threats are on the rise.

An estimated 79% of organizations have experienced a ransomware attack over the past 12 months. And one in three say that such attacks have been successful more than once.

Percentage of companies that have experienced ransomware attacks in the past year

Ransomware attacks can not only disrupt your operations, they can also cause reputational damage. IT managed services typically include infrastructure monitoring to keep your systems secure against cyber threats and prevent costly downtime.

With Spinnaker Support, we offer 24/7 database monitoring for all major platforms.

Types of IT managed services

Businesses can choose from a range of services depending on their needs. Here’s a look at the types of available IT managed services.

Infrastructure and network monitoring

Infrastructure and network monitoring is one of the most common IT managed services. It involves collecting and aggregating data from sources like servers, databases, and applications.

Common tasks include:

  • Monitoring network traffic to identify performance issues
  • Configuring and managing network devices like routers and switches
  • Troubleshooting network issues to minimize downtime


Infrastructure monitoring gives you full visibility into your infrastructure, which helps you proactively address issues before they impact your users. Partner with an IT managed service provider like Spinnaker Support to maintain a more reliable and efficient network.

Data security management

Data security is critical, as unauthorized access can result in financial loss and reputational harm. But keeping your network secure isn’t easy. In fact, 66% of chief information officers (CIOs) rate data privacy and cybersecurity as one of their top IT challenges.
CIOs say issues related to data privacy and security are the top challenges they face

Data security management involves keeping an organization’s infrastructure secure and protecting its data from external threats.

Common tasks include:

  • Configuring and ensuring endpoint devices are updated
  • Monitoring data usage to identify potential breaches
  • Implementing access controls to protect data

By partnering with a trusted MSP, you can boost your IT security and protect your network from malicious threats before they can escalate.

Database and cloud management

Database and cloud management services can help improve network performance. This involves managing and optimizing your database environment for optimal performance.

Common tasks include:

  • Ensuring you have the proper resources, like memory and disk space
  • Creating a database indexing strategy to speed up queries
  • Performing routine maintenance

Don’t let poor database performance affect productivity.

With our database managed services, we’ll optimize and tune your database environment. We work with all major databases, including SAP, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and more.

Application managed services (AMS)

Businesses rely on specialized applications for everything from inventory tracking to customer relationship management to payroll. But a large portfolio of applications can be difficult to manage. AMS allows you to outsource the management and maintenance of key business applications.

Common tasks include:

  • Keeping your apps up-to-date with the latest patches
  • Fixing and troubleshooting issues
  • Integrating your apps with your other systems

Want to know how AMS can benefit your business? Watch the video here to learn how Spinnaker Support has helped JD Edwards customers resolve integrity issues and batching errors with AMS.

Data backup and disaster recovery

A report from IDC found that 43% of organizations have experienced unrecoverable data loss within the past year. 63% have suffered from data-related disruptions over the same period.
43% of organizations have experienced unrecoverable data loss within the past year

IT managed services can assist with data backup and recovery.

A provider can develop a disaster recovery plan based on recovery point objectives (RPO) and recovery time objectives (RTO) — metrics that help minimize data loss and downtime. They can also store backups of your databases and provide support during disaster recovery drills.

Auditing and compliance

Meeting industry regulations can cause huge headaches for companies that lack the technical expertise. Some managed service providers offer auditing and compliance services to help companies avoid costly penalties.

Common tasks include:

  • Ensuring data is stored in accordance with data protection standards
  • Configuring and securing all IT systems
  • Providing regular reports to demonstrate compliance

No matter what industry you operate in, we can help. Our engineers can properly configure your infrastructure to meet all relevant regulatory and legal requirements.

Analytics reporting

Finally, analytics reporting is another type of IT managed service. It involves aggregating and analyzing data related to a company’s IT infrastructure.

These metrics can include:

  • Network traffic (e.g., network latency and packet loss)
  • System performance (e.g., CPU usage and response times)
  • Security incidents (e.g., malware infections and unauthorized access attempts)

With analytics reporting, you can gain valuable insights into your operations that you can leverage to improve efficiency. Examples can include recommendations on hardware and software upgrades to meet new business needs or improve system performance.

Top criteria for choosing an IT managed service provider

IT managed services are a great alternative to hiring in-house staff. However, there are a few key criteria to consider before choosing one.

Criteria for choosing an IT managed service provider
Let’s take a closer look.


Not all MSPs are equal, as some bring more expertise to the table than others. Look for a provider that can fill internal skills gaps in your organization.

At Spinnaker Support, our Level 2 and 3 engineers can handle all types of projects, from product migrations to security assessments and more. We can also bring in Level 4 engineers to handle more complex issues.


Every company has different needs, so a “one-size-fits-all” approach doesn’t work. Maybe you need help migrating to the cloud, or perhaps you need ongoing database services. Whatever the case, choose an MSP that can offer flexible plans that meet your business requirements.

Responsive support

Disaster can strike at any time. The last thing you want is to experience an issue during peak times and be unable to receive support until the following day.

Make sure to look for a provider with rapid response times. At Spinnaker Support, we provide around-the-clock support and respond within minutes. No matter what issue you’re facing, our team is always available.


What is the MSP’s track record of reliability and uptime? What systems do they have in place to detect and address IT issues? How do they handle processes like system upgrades and minimize downtime? Ask these questions to assess the reliability of an MSP.


Look for a provider with robust security measures to protect your data and systems.

Spinnaker Support is the first third-party support provider to achieve ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015 certification, which lays out standards for managing sensitive data. Our extensive 7-Point Security Solution provides unified security across your entire infrastructure.


Finally, another important consideration for IT managed services is cost. Choose an MSP with transparent and cost-effective pricing options. You should also look for a provider who can help you find ways to reduce costs while improving efficiency.

For example, Insurance Administrative Services (IAS) needed ongoing database management but recognized that hiring an in-house team would’ve been costly. Our team helped fill the gap with a flexible plan that fits their budget.

Get started with IT managed services

As more companies run their operations across on-premise and cloud environments, IT teams find it difficult to manage their infrastructure. IT managed services can help you streamline your operations and reduce costs.

By partnering with Spinnaker Support, you get access to a team of experts who can augment your staff and fill any capability gaps. This lets you free up more time and resources for your team to address more pressing matters.

Contact us today to discuss tailored IT managed services for your company.

Spinnaker Support
Written By Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support Enterprise Software Support and Managed Services from Spinnaker Support Whether you run Oracle, SAP, or Salesforce, we’ll help you conquer your software challenges once and for all.