By Spinnaker Support | October 11, 2022

We are constantly at risk. Whether at the office, home, school, or in public, threat actors are trying to breach your data and make you the next victim. It starts with everyone getting a little more thoughtful about Cybersecurity to help protect us against the groups and individuals looking to extort and cause terror through the next cyber-attack.

Here are 11 tips for CyberSecurity Awareness:

Spinnaker Support created this list to inform and educate individuals about Cybersecurity and make the proper cyber hygiene and best practices for ourselves, organizations, and clients.

11 Tips For Cyber Security Awareness Infographic

  1. Understand your risk
    a. Know where you are vulnerable to begin a plan to mitigate risk.
  2. Monitor and protect the application at the Java level
    a. Surveillance on all Java code enables the platform to help mitigate a series of attacks.
  3. Deploy sensors and detect patterns
    a. Utilize the latest Incident Response Technology (IRT) to help protect your database.
  4. Protect at the network level
    a. The system will detect suspicious and forbidden actions and utilize pre-defined rules to notify the admin or execute proactive measures.
  5. Take your security to the next level with a trusted third party support partner
    a. Security requires a team of highly specialized advisors, processes, and technology to input the security controls and tools to ensure your organization is secure.
  6. Monitor sources for New security vulnerabilities and exposures
    a. New vulnerabilities are coming out daily, with threat actors creating new tools to attack your system. Understanding the threat landscape will help to implement the right security strategy.
  7. Compliance is more than a checkbox
    a. Making sure you are compliant isn’t just a nice to have but a need to have when adjusting your audit controls to follow SOC2, HIPPA, PCI, and GDPR compliance.
  8. Security is complex, with many specialties
    a. Oracle is vast, and aspects of software security are highly specialized around different system parts, from database to cloud.
  9. Security is integral to your operations
    a. Unique applications and systems require compliance measures through security benchmarks and frameworks.
  10. Mitigate vulnerabilities faster
    a. Implement layers of security policies and rules to prevent and intercept exploits from taking network paths to and from a vulnerability.
  11. Know what to look for!
    a. From Phishing to Ransomware, you must be prepared and understand the basics of Cybersecurity to ensure protection for your organization against potential threats.

To learn more, please talk to a Spinnaker Support representative.

Spinnaker Support
Written By Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support Enterprise Software Support and Managed Services from Spinnaker Support Whether you run Oracle, SAP, or Salesforce, we’ll help you conquer your software challenges once and for all.

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Today’s leaders are navigating an increasingly uncertain and ever-changing world. They can’t be held back by restrictive, ineffective, or complicated software systems as they move their organizations forward. Spinnaker optimizes software ecosystems through services designed for sustainable transformation, maximizing software investments and freeing up the capital and resources leaders need to navigate the future with certainty.