By Spinnaker Support | March 08, 2021

Matt Stava | CEO and Chairman

Committed to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion 

Spinnaker Support proudly celebrates the contributions of all women on International Women’s Day 2021. In particular, we acknowledge the achievements of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) throughout the month of March.

We are honored to work with some of the most talented women in STEM here at Spinnaker Support. And it is in that spirit that we celebrate. Thank you for all you do!  

As a company that provides global technology services, we strive to build and maintain an inclusive workplace. This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is Choose to Challenge: a challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. We embrace this challenge and strive for change.

We are committed to raising awareness of gender inequality and encourage our employees, managers, and executives to create and support a gender-equal workplace. As a father of a teenage daughter, I believe in active participation to enable a world where all women have an equal opportunity to pursue their dreams and aspirations.

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are highlighting the amazing stories, advice, and contributions of our women employees. Please watch the video below. It showcases some of the brilliant women employed at Spinnaker Support as they discuss how they find success in work and in life.

Highlights of the great advice in the video: 

  • Natalia Astrouskaya – Director for Global Tax and Regulatory Compliance: 

“Do not dwell on your mistakes and what others think about you. Acknowledge your mistakes and correct in a timely manner…and move on.” 

  • Daphna Amal – Functional Solutions Architect: 

As a young girl, believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Do not make yourself smaller to others. Show confidence. Define your goals and focus on them.” 

  • Geeta Chopra – Marketing Manager: 

“Dream big. Set career goals before you even embark on your journey. And follow your passions. Don’t let excuses get in the way.” 

  • Karen Blazek – Customer Success Director: 

I think it’s all about having a little patience knowing there will be failures along the way. Do not overlook opportunities that come your way that might not be a perfect fit…because you never know where they’re going to lead.” 

  • Erin Alexander – Senior Account Executive: 

Choose a career of something you absolutely love to do. Something you believe in. Find your people. Find your culture. Find a place that you fit and that values you.” 

  • Lili Widjaja – Senior Software Engineer: 

I will be an example by mentoring other women who want to know about my career and also teach other women who want to learn about technology that I know. 

  • Michelle Wilkinson – Senior Director, Global Field Marketing: 

Embrace and be open to change along the way. See the positive in those moments. In my career, all the changes I’ve encountered…there’s been a silver lining.” 

  • Tishany Jenkins – Legal Assistant: 

“Be patient and gentle on this journey. Things don’t always go according to plan and that’s OK!” 

  • Adriana O’Brien – Senior Support Analyst: 

“Put yourself first. Find out what you really want to do in life. Find the ‘why’ you are doing such work. Set daily, weekly, and yearly goals and keep an eye on them. Revisit them and edit. Keep a daily journal. That’s really important.

As you’ve heard, there’s an incredibly diverse approach to impact and thrive in the workplace just within a company like Spinnaker Support. I know that we all have a great deal to learn and openly discuss to continue to support and move forward with gender equality. I hope you’ll join us in celebrating International Women’s Day for the women in your organization and life.

To learn more about our company and culture, please visit our About Us page.  

Spinnaker Support
Written By Spinnaker Support
Spinnaker Support Enterprise Software Support and Managed Services from Spinnaker Support Whether you run Oracle, SAP, or Salesforce, we’ll help you conquer your software challenges once and for all.
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